30-Year-Old Claiming to be JAY-Z’s Son Aiming to Take Paternity Case to Supreme Court

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Rymir Satterthwaite, a man who long has claimed JAY-Z is his father, is taking steps to prove the paternity. The now 30-year-old man is taking his 10-year-old claim that he is the son of Hov to the Supreme Court.

According to The Daily Mail, Satterthwaite has filed a motion with the Supreme Court asking to unseal the case, hoping the Roc Nation founder would have to take a paternity test. Satterthwaite states that he wants “justice served” and nothing more from the rapper.

Attorneys for JAY-Z reached out to The Daily Mail and denied all claims by Satterthwaite: “The allegations have been previously reviewed thoroughly by the courts and have been refuted. I am sure that will be the outcome of whatever filings Mr. Satterthwaite is may be currently considering.”

In response, Satterthwaite said, “This is not going to be over until justice is served. I just want to live my life and, when it is all said and done, I hope that JAY-Z would want to be a part of my life, if that is God’s will.”

Satterthwaite claims his mother, Wanda, had sex with JAY-Z when she was 16 and he was 22. At birth, Wanda stated her high school sweetheart Robert Graves was the father, despite believing it was JAY-Z.

Satterthwaite would pursue the true paternity as his mother’s health declined, pursuing legal action in 2012.

The full report can be read here.

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