UPDATE: North West A Pawn As Kanye West-Kim Kardashian Battle Exposes Their Drama-Filled Divorce


Kanye West recently lashed out at Kim Kardashian on social media for letting their 8-year-old daughter, North West, use Tik Tok. Kim responded that North is supervised and that Kanye’s attacks are making their divorce unbearable.  North is caught in the middle and the world is watching. Kim Responds To Kanye’s Instagram Post Critiquing Her […]

Kanye West Accuses Kim Kardashian Of Trying To ‘Kidnap’ Their Daughter And Forcing Him Into A Drug Test

The Kanye West and Kim Kardashian drama continued after he criticized her for allowing their daughter North on TikTok and she responded by calling out his relentless attacks on social media. West doubled down after his ex-wife’s response, again accusing her of sicking security on him at their daughter’s birthday party and of making him take a drug test. He also claims she accused him of stealing from her home, which, again, is across the street from his, and questioned her assertion that she is the main care provider for the children.

“What do you mean by ‘main provider?’” he wrote in a post on Instagram with a screenshot of Kim’s earlier post. “America saw you try to kidnap my daughter on her birthday by not providing the address You put security on me inside of the house to play with my son then accused me of stealing I had to take a drug test after Chicago’s party cause you accused me of being on drugs Tracy Romulus stop manipulating Kim to be this way…”

Tracy Romulus is Chief Marketing Officer of KKW Brands, the corporate entity through which Kardashian manages her beauty, clothing, and fragrance lines. While Romulus obviously has Kim’s ear as her business partner, Kanye’s comments overlook a lot of facts over the last few years, mainly in the area of his own erratic behavior. While he’s pushed back on characterizations that he’s “crazy,” it doesn’t seem that anyone has ever called him that other than himself.

In Kim’s earlier statement, she wrote, “I wish to handle all matters regarding our children privately and hopefully, he can finally respond to the third attorney he has had in the last year to resolve any issues amicably.” If anything, it seems the only thing she wants from Kanye is to behave like an adult.

A New ‘Jeen-Yuhs’ Trailer Teases An Exploration Of Kanye West’s Journey So Far

Ye (aka Kanye West) is on a lot of people’s minds right now, for reasons including Kim Kardashian drama, Julia Fox, and the upcoming Donda 2. On top of that, there’s also the upcoming Jeen-Yuhs documentary series, which is set to premiere on Netflix on February 16. Ahead of that, Netflix has shared a new trailer.

The trailer features a voiceover from co-director Clarence “Coodie” Simmons, in which he says, “When I first put the camera on this up-and-coming producer in ’98, I knew he was destined for greatness. The goal was to see how far his dreams would take him, but I had no idea where life would take us next. It felt like the bigger Kanye got, the farther we grew apart, but there was more to Kanye’s story that I needed to tell.”

There’s also a quote from West in which he explains what he thinks are the reasons behind his success, saying “I just think it was in God’s plan. I think He just has me here for a reason and I have something to say. There’s people that might be better programmers, better rappers. The way I think I really won is I had the heart. If I do what I’m supposed to do, people gonna look back like, ‘Man, remember dude used to just make beats for people?”

Watch the Jeen-Yuhs trailer above.

Nicki Minaj Explains Why Her ‘New Body’ Collab With Kanye West Never Got An Official Release

Of all the projects Kanye West hyped over the past several years, perhaps none was more heavily anticipated than “New Body,” a track featuring Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla Sign that was planned to feature on Ye’s ninth album, Yandhi. When a demo version of the song was leaked in October 2018, it instantly became something of a fan favorite, but despite this, it was scrapped along with the rest of the album after Kanye decided to release Jesus Is King, his first big swing at a gospel album, instead.

Perhaps no one was more disappointed than Nicki Minaj, who allegedly had to re-write her verse multiple times as a result of Kanye’s evolving, spirituality-based insistence on toning down explicit content and language ahead of Yandhi‘s non-release. Nicki, who’s been on a promo/media damage control tour ahead of the release of her new single with Lil Baby, “Do We Have A Problem?” explained just why the original version of “New Body” was never released and how she felt about it.

“The public adored ‘New Body,’” Nicki recalled. “‘New Body’ is the biggest hit record that never came out. So what I thought was interesting was that Kanye made me write my ‘New Body’ verse four times over in order to fit into where he was creatively and spiritually in his life. … I missed it by a year, I guess. Had ‘New Body’ been out when he was not in his gospel era, then it would’ve seen the light of day. But, it didn’t, so it wasn’t meant to be. Everybody knows that’s the hit that got away … I think the ship has sailed for ‘New Body,’ everybody has come to love the original way they heard it.”

The leak of the song actually went viral on TikTok in 2020, prompting Nicki to tell her fans to “pester” Kim Kardashian to get the full version, but considering how things are turning out on that front, perhaps the song will simply have to live on in those memes and memories.

You can watch Nicki’s full interview above.

Kim Kardashian Says Kanye West’s Constantly Attacking Her Is More Harmful Than North’s TikTok

After Kanye West’s latest jab at ex-wife Kim Kardashian over letting their daughter North use TikTok “against his will,” Kardashian has had enough. On her own Instagram story, she defended her decision to share a joint (adult-managed) account with North and challenged Kanye for his “obsession with trying to control and manipulate our situation.”

Kanye’s constant attacks on me in interviews and on social media is actually more hurtful than any TikTok North might create. As the parent who is the main provider and caregiver for our children, I am doing my best to protect our daughter while also allowing her to express her creativity in the medium that she wishes with adult supervision – because it brings her happiness. Divorce is difficult enough on our children and Kanye’s obsession with trying to control and manipulate our situation so negatively and publicly is only causing further pain for all. From the beginning, I have wanted nothing but a healthy and supportive co-parenting relationship because it is what is best for our children and it saddens me that Kanye continues to make it impossible every step of the way.

I wish to handle all matters regarding our children privately and hopefully, he can finally respond to the third attorney he has had in the last year to resolve any issues amicably.

In addition to his censuring North’s TikTok, Kanye has claimed that Kim tried to keep him from attending North’s birthday and threatened to beat up Pete Davidson for his public relationship with Kardashian.

kim kardashian north west tiktok

Kanye West Claims Kim Kardashian Let North Use TikTok Against His Will

Kanye West has apparently taken issue with his daughter’s app usage, judging from a recent post he shared on Instagram. Posting a screenshot from the @KimAndNorth TikTok shared by his ex-wife Kim Kardashian their daughter North, Kanye wondered, “Since this is my first divorce I need to know what I should do about my daughter being put on [TikTok] against my will?”

This is only Kanye’s latest incident of conflict with his ex, who he also recently claimed tried to bar him from North’s recent birthday party. This was, of course, after Kanye had threatened to beat up Kim’s new beau, Pete Davidson, but let’s face it: self-reflection has never been Kanye’s strong suit.

In a previous interview, he also railed against North’s TikTok use, saying, “Tell her don’t have my daughter wearing lipstick on TikTok and don’t have her on TikTok at all if I don’t approve that.” While he says this is a case of “poking the bear” in order to discredit him, he’s kinda done that all on his own with stunts like his aborted, slapdashed political campaign (which was probably a smokescreen for the Republican candidate who tried to start an insurrection to overthrow the government).

It seems that even at his big age, Ye has yet to grasp the concept of women’s autonomy. If he hates what North is doing now, just wait ’til she’s a teenager.