Russell Wilson Puts Future’s Son’s Wide Receiver Skills On Full Display

Russell Wilson had a very difficult season with the Denver Broncos last year. Overall, the Broncos were not good at all. Although they were poised to have an amazing season, Wilson found himself having the worst numbers of his career. However, the team has gotten a new head coach in Sean Payton, who some believe could be the savior of the team. Needless to say, there is a very real possibility that the Broncos have a resurgence this year. Only time will tell whether or not that will be the case.

Throughout the offseason, Russell Wilson has been hard at work, making sure that he doesn’t have another horrendous season. Moreover, he has been spending some time with his kids, as well as his step-son, Future Zahir. Of course, this is Future’s son with Ciara. Over the years, Russ has taken a large role in raising Future Zahir, much to the dismay of weirdos on Twitter. Recently, Wilson has been helping Future Zahir when it comes to playing wide receiver. Overall, the kid has a ton of talent.

Russell Wilson Is Training The Youth

In the video clip up above, Russell Wilson can be seen in the gym, throwing the ball to Future. Additionally, the kid is showcasing a ton of natural talent by making some one-handed grabs. Moreover, Wilson played with his daughter Sienna. It seemed like some good old-fashioned family fun. In the Instagram clip, Wilson wrote, “One Handed? Too Easy! Future soon to be @NFL 1st Rounder & Yes Girls play Football too! Sienna loves her Sundays!” If you can find a way to hate on this, well, you are likely beyond saving.

Subsequently, Wilson will be attending training camp with his teammates. There are plenty of narratives surrounding the quarterback, and we’re sure he is eager to shake off some of the negative labels that exist out there. Hopefully, the Broncos get a bit better, and actually contend in a crowded AFC West. Let us know what you think, in the comments section below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for the latest news and updates from around the football world.