Former President Donald Trump Reacts To Indictment

Donald Trump may be in for a world of trouble. After weeks of anticipation and anxiety from both sides of the political spectrum, a Manhattan grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump. However, those who hoped this would have an effect on his ability to run for office again may be disappointed. Even a felon can run for office. Still, It is a landmark decision. No current or former president in history has ever been indicted. The inquiry that led to the grand jury’s decision began five years ago. At the time, Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen was charged with illegal campaign contributions. He pled guilty and was charged. It is yet another embarrassment for Trump, who has spent the last several years shirking responsibility for his actions.

The charges being brought against Trump have not yet been made public. However, it is speculated that they are related to hush money paid near the end of his 2016 campaign for president. Michael Cohen, who was disbarred and served prison time for his crimes, arranged the payment of two women that allegedly had relationships with Trump. In court, the former lawyer admitted to paying $130,000 in exchange for their discretion. Cohen was then paid back by way of installments that were billed as “legal fees.” He has claimed that Trump knew at the time what he was paying for. This information could be part of what serves as the basis for the indictment against the former president.

Trump Points The Finger In Social Media Rant

Trump, of course, responded to the indictment in his usual fashion. The former president took to social media to point the finger at Democrats. He claimed, once again, that there has been a “Witch-Hunt” since before he took office. He also accused the left of cheating and stealing. This is likely in reference to the widely debunked conspiracy that the 2020 election results were falsified. He also claimed that the indictment was simply a ploy to interfere with his 2024 campaign. “The Democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to ‘Get Trump’,” the former president wrote. “But now they’ve done the unthinkable – indicting a completely innocent person in an act of blatant Election Interference.”

Noticeably missing from Trump’s rant was any sort of explanation for the alleged charges that are being brought against him. In fact, the only reference to the indictment directly is his assertion that the Manhattan grand jury is indicting an “innocent” person. The result of the decision to indict him remains to be seen, but the cards certainly seem to be stacked against the former president. We can expect more news about the specific charges being brought against Trump in the following days. In the meantime, Trump will surely have plenty more to say about it.