Ever since Olivia Rodrigo ascended to the top of the pop world earlier this year thanks to “Drivers License,” she and Cardi B have done a bit of bonding. After Cardi made a joke about not having a driver’s license herself, Rodrigo offered to drive Cardi wherever she wants, which Cardi was all for. Now the two are forging their friendship further, as Cardi has responded to some high praise that Rodrigo recently heaped on her.
During a recent conversation with Apple Music’s Zane Lowe, Rodrigo spoke highly of Cardi, saying:
“I’m so in love with her, I want to marry her. […] I feel lucky to be a teenager at the time when Cardi is making music. As a songwriter, some of the stuff that she says is just so honest, almost like shockingly honest. When I listened to her song, I’m like, ‘Oh wow, she really just said that on a recorded album.’ […]
That’s definitely something that I grapple with in my songwriting. I’m making a lot of music right now to put it out, and I listen to it back and I’m terrified sometimes. I’m like, ‘Oh my God. I’m literally writing about stuff that I don’t tell some of my closest friends and I’m going to put out for the whole world to scrutinize and talk about.’ It’s a really horrible, terrifying thing. [Cardi] gives me courage to sort of say whatever I want to say and be honest in telling my story.”
Cardi caught wind of that quote today and seemed touched by Rodrigo’s praise. She responded with some advice for the up-and-comer, writing on Twitter, “This is so sweet .You doing sooo good for your age. Don’t let no toxic sh*t get to you and don’t let nobody restrict you from your voice.”
This is so sweet .You doing sooo good for your age. Don’t let no toxic shit get to you and don’t let nobody restrict you from your voice. https://t.co/YeGarHPtWq
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) April 21, 2021
Cardi B is a Warner Music artist. Uproxx is an independent subsidiary of Warner Music Group.