Candace Owens Suggests Bob Saget Died After Receiving COVID Vaccine

In an age where we’re able to share absolutely anything at the drop of a dime, misinformation spread quickly. During this pandemic, which doesn’t seem to have an end in sight just yet, there have been so many conflicting reports about COVID-19 that the government has implemented immediate fact-checking on social media apps. Political figures and commentators have also been ridiculed in addition to being corrected about their stances on the pandemic as well as the COVID vaccine, and Candace Owens has been a scathing voice in this circle.

Recently, fans were saddened by the sudden death ofFull House icon Bob Saget after the 65-year-old comedian was found dead at the Ritz-Carlton in Orlando. As the Medical Examiner continues to determine a cause of death, Owens has shared her own theory.

“I’m just not on Big Pharma’s payroll and I refuse to peddle in their lies. And so to that end, today, I’m going to point out another truth and it will likely be deemed a conspiracy theory until it’s not,” said Owens. “There are too many healthy individuals, like Bob Saget, who we know have received their vaccinations, who are dropping dead, suddenly and unexpectedly with no further explanation.”

“Healthy athletes, young students in their physical prime, the majority of them males, dropping dead suddenly and unexpectedly in the middle of games from heart issues. What we know for a fact is that these people are being mandated to take the vaccine.” It hasn’t been confirmed that Saget’s death was linked to COVID or its vaccine, but that didn’t stop Owens from speaking as if it was factual.

Recently, Owens interviewed former President Donald Trump, a figure she has loudly praised throughout his candidacy and term in office. During their chat, even Trump corrected her anti-vaxx stance by stating that it’s the unvaccinated who are dying of COVID and related illnesses. Watch Owens speak on Saget below.