Candace Owens Suggests Alec Baldwin Shooting Is “Poetic Justice” For Opposing Trump

A frightening scene occurred on the set of a Hollywood film and the industry continues to talk about the implications. We previously reported on the tragic news that 68-year-old veteran actor Alec Baldwin killed one person and injured another after firing a prop gun. While filming Rust in New Mexico, Halyna Hutchins, the 42-year-old director of photography, was shot and killed. The director, 48-year-old Joel Souza, was treated in a hospital and later released.

No one was arrested although the investigation is ongoing. There have been reports regarding crew members walking off set due to unsafe working conditions, and as rumors run rampant, Baldwin returned with a statement about the unfortunate event.

As the industry grieves the loss of Hutchins and celebrates Souza’s recovery, Candace Owens used this opportunity to turn things political. Baldwin has long portrayed Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live and has often been at odds with the former president’s supporters.

“Alec Baldwin spent 4 years dedicated to painting Donald Trump and his supporters as evil murderers,” Owens tweeted. “What has happened to Alec would be an example of poetic Justice if it weren’t for the actual innocent people that were murdered by him. Pray for their families. So sad.” Owens would later update her tweet to say that Baldwin did not legally murder anyone.

Expectedly, Owens was met with backlash from those who don’t even like Baldwin, stating that actors are not responsible for loading prop weapons and the actor did not know that he was handling a “hot” weapon, as Baldwin reportedly called it when he panicked immediately following the shooting. 

Read through Owens’s tweets below.
