Boosie Badazz Talks To Reporters About Being Caught In Flash Flood

The weather in certain parts of Louisiana may not be making national headlines, but the storm going on in Baton Rouge and surrounding areas have devastated residents. Rain has been pouring down for days, resulting in a flash flood warning, and it’s unclear what the numbers are right now, but it’s reported that four people were reported dead and another person missing due to the conditions. Homes have been evacuated and a state of emergency has been declared, and as a local news station camped outside of an airport to interview locals about their experiences, reporters happened to run into Boosie Badazz.

Because homes have been flooded, dozens of people have sought shelter in places like airports and hospitals. Boosie is a legend in his hometown and took a bit of time to talk about the destruction going on in his city. “It’s crazy out here. Flooding everywhere,” Boosie told WBRZ. “I’ve been riding in the middle lanes ’cause when you ride in the outside the puddles too big and you can’t see.”

“I like to come home and get the hot weather. I don’t like rain,” he added. Boosie was back in town to “coordinate his daughter’s birthday” and said it messed up some of his plans. “It’s been raining twenty-four hours straight so it kinda messed it up but I was happy to be back here.” And then, in Boosie fashion, he plugged his Boosie Bash that’s apparently set for August 28. 

Check out Boosie’s clip, as well as some videos and images of this storm, below.
