Boldy James Taps Earl Sweatshirt For “Photographic Memories”

The Alchemist, though he has a long history in the hip-hop world, has quickly become one of the most sought after producters in the game over the past few years. This comes after successful collaboration albums with the likes of the Griselda crew as well as Freddie Gibbs. His latest venture comes in the form of the new Boldy James LP Bo Jackson, a dark and eerie collection of somber tracks. “Photographic Memories,” which includes an Earl Sweatshirt feature and a Roc Marciano appearance, establishes itself immediately as a favorite on the album.

The Alchemist takes the cake so quickly on “Photographic Memories” that it seems unfair- the beat is just too good! Though the production is relatively simple, it’s elegant and features a beautiful vocal sample that drives the track. That being said, Boldy James definitely impresses with his verse. He goes in and out of cold flows as he discusses the violence in his earlier years and the “photographic memories” that haunt him.

Earl Sweatshirt does a great job picking up where Boldy leaves off, taking his flow and altering it just slightly to fill up the middle of the song. Earl is all-too-comfortable on an alchemist beat and “Photographic memories” proves so, as the rapper fills his verse with metaphors and poetic language. 

Check out the track below:

Quotable Lyrics:

In any case, if I seem distanced and reserved, then give me space
Heavy pinch of herb send me on my way
Head of the herd, making’ sure everyone got a plate
Left here disturbed with the look on my face