Blake Griffin Comments On His First Game With Kevin Durant

When Blake Griffin signed with the Brooklyn Nets, many around the league saw this as a huge sign that the Nets were going to be almost impossible to take down. With James Harden, Kevin Durant, and Kyrie Irving on the same roster, the Nets were already a powerhouse, and adding a motivated Griffin only cemented that fact. Last night, Griffin got to play his very first game with Durant in the lineup, and as expected, they both had solid games all while beating the New Orleans Pelicans by a modest 28 points.

Following the match, Griffin was asked about playing with Durant for the first time and as one can imagine, the newest Nets star was quite complimentary of KD. He noted that despite his injury, Durant has yet to lose an edge and it’s going to be a scary sight for the rest of the NBA.

Kevin Durant

Elsa/Getty Images

“After missing two months and then coming back and looking that comfortable, it’s just crazy,” Griffin said.  “But in terms of playing with him, players like that, some of the guys we have, they just make the game easy.”

The Nets continue to dominate the Eastern Conference and come playoff time, it’s going to be almost impossible to take these guys down. This spells trouble for the rest of the league, but if you’re a basketball fan in Brooklyn, you have to be loving this.
