Black Woman Dragged By Hair Out Of D.C. Bar Results In Outrage & Protests

As many would agree, and as the United States’ troublesome history with law enforcement tells it, very rarely is the excessive use of force required, nor does it often end well. In D.C., protests in front of a popular LGBTQ+ space named Nellie’s Sports Bar have ensued following unnecessary use of force by the bar’s security. 

The ugly incident, which went down on Saturday (June 12), involved a black woman being dragged out of the bar and down a flight of stairs by her hair. The horrific act, which was carried out by bar security, has sparked mass outrage and protests in the city. A woman named Keisha Young has identified herself as the victim and explained what exactly went down. 

According to reports, the bar had been crowded following the city’s Pride parade earlier in the day. In the video, you can hear bar patron’s shocked to see the security guard dragging a Black woman, and that shock quickly morphed into anger. Numerous bystanders started charging towards the security guard, who is also Black, and then chaos ensued. 

Young told a local news outlet that the trouble began after bar staff mistook her for someone else. She explained, “[Security was] trying to get some other people out because somebody else brought a bottle in there. Somehow I got mixed up in an altercation because I look like somebody else and I got hit and dragged down the steps.”

Protests subsequently erupted outside of Nellie’s, with dozens of protestors holding signs outside of the establishment. In new developments, the bar’s management has taken swift action, firing the security company who employed the guard in question. They told TMZ, “Nellie’s Sports Bar has terminated, with immediate effect, the independent security vendor hired to protect our guests during Pride Week. Our investigation into the matter is ongoing, and we will cooperate with any law enforcement investigation, however, we do not need to wait for the investigation’s conclusion before we take decisive action.”
