Bishop Sycamore Fires Football Head Coach Roy Johnson

Bishop Sycamore head coach Roy Johnson has been fired from his position, school director Andre Peterson announced, Tuesday. The Ohio high school became infamous for allegedly tricking ESPN into airing a football game against one of the best schools in the country, despite no one being able to verify that Bishop Sycamore is a real school.

“Roy has honestly been like a little brother to me in the sense that when really we were launching Bishop Sycamore, there were some things that we wanted to do better and could have done better,” Peterson told USA TODAY, this week. “I value him as a person, but I just thought right now he needed to step down, he needed to go. We just decided to mutually part ways.”

Bishop Sycamore, Fired
Eliot J. Schechter / Getty Images

As for why he was let go, Peterson cited an issue with Johnson’s failure tracking the team’s injuries. Additionally, Johnson’s pending fraud charge played a role in the decision as well.

“There were a lot of things played a part in it,” Peterson said.

Johnson had previously represented the school for an interview on Twitter Spaces hosted by Michael Robinson, earlier this week.

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine has requested an official investigation into the legitimacy of Bishop Sycamore.
