Big Sean Responds To Theory Trolling His Recent Growth Spurt

In addition to having fans and artists lusting over him last week, Big Sean also made a lot of noise by revealing that he miraculously grew two inches over the past year. As a rapper that many fans have often made fun of regarding his height, Big Sean took a moment to address those who have been saying that he’s just 5’6.”

In the video he stood by someone who attested that they were 5’10”, and true to his argument, Big Sean did appear to be the same size as him. What really made the video go viral, however, was the Detroit 2 rapper’s caption, which claimed that he had grown two inches taller after visiting a chiropractor two times a week for a full year straight.

Thus, the “Bigger Sean” joke was born, and fans took to Twitter to either roast the G.O.O.D. Music rapper or defend his claims. Now, it appears that Pigeons and Planes‘ “Stats & Research Department” has gotten in on the fun by using the method that Big Sean described in order to theorize that he will soon be the tallest person on Earth.

“Big Sean shared an IG revealing he has grown 2 inches in the past year by going to the chiropractor 2x a week for [a] year,” P&P‘s spam Instagram account wrote. “That’s 104 visits a year, and /01923 inches gained per visit, growing sean from 5’8″ to 5’10”. If sean don were to go to the chiropractor every day, in 4 years and 39 days big sean will become the tallest human alive.”

What’s even more hilarious is that Pigeons & Planes shares their data-driven theory alongside a graphic that positions an 8’3″ “biggest Sean” side-by-side with the tallest living man. Check it out below.

Big Sean caught wind of P&P trolling him and responded by saying, “[laughing emoji x4] I just measured when I went to the chiropractor today, just to double check n it’s true [shrug emoji].”

Are you at all convinced by Pigeons & Planes‘ “Biggest Sean” growth theory?