BFB Da Packman Reviews Wild Snacks From Japan To The UK

Mailman-turned-rapper BFB Da Packman has officially come through for the new episode of Snack Review after countless requests from fans of the series. He’s had a tremendous year, going viral with songs including “Free Joe Exotic” and “Ocean Prime,” and he continues to grow his fanbase with his hilarious personality and catchy music. This weekend, he took center stage for the two new episodes of Snack Review, revealing his favorite foods and trying out snacks from all over the world.

In the first episode with BFB Da Packman, the rapper rates snack foods from Japan, the UK, and the States, giving each munchie a score out of ten. He managed to find some snacks that he was feeling, as well as some that he was not, including one that earned a score of negative-zero.

In the second episode, Packman answers his favorite childhood snacks, the best restaurants in Flint, Michigan, and creates the “luxurious and glorious” donut as his own custom snack.

Check out the two new episodes of Snack Review above and below with BFB Da Packman, as well as the latest episodes with Fat Nick here. Let us know who you would like to see on this series next!