Ben Simmons Likes Post Explaining How Much Money He Could Lose

Ben Simmons is currently in a big predicament with the Philadelphia 76ers. He has made it crystal clear that he no longer wants to play for the Sixers and that he wants a trade immediately. The Sixers are waiting for the perfect opportunity to trade Simmons, as they don’t want to be placed in a hole due to the value that is being lost.

In the meantime, Simmons is losing out on millions of dollars as he continues to hold out. Today, Simmons lost $8.25 million, and he could stand to lose up to $300,000 per game if this continues. Needless to say, Simmons needs to be traded now, otherwise, he could risk not getting paid for his services this season.

Ben Simmons

Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images

According to a post by u/JetGan on Reddit, Simmons doesn’t seem to care about these losses. In fact, Simmons recently took to Instagram and liked a post that explains just how much dough he is missing out on due to his actions. Clearly, leaving Philly means more to Simmons than anything else right now, which is certainly admirable from the outside looking in.

As the regular season approaches, this whole situation is bound to get messier, so stay tuned to HNHH as we will bring you all of the latest details.

Image via HipHop Lately