Ben Simmons Forced To Get Surgery, Recovery Timeline Revealed

Ben Simmons has been one of the stranger cases in the NBA over the last few years. Things seemed to be going so well for him in the middle of last season, however, it all went off the rails after a terrible showing in the playoffs. Since that time, Simmons has been traded from the Philadelphia 76ers, and he didn’t even play a single game with the Brooklyn Nets, despite promising to.

Simmons has been dealing with chronic back issues and they have not been getting any better as of late. There was this sense that he would be able to return in the playoffs but that simply was not the case. Now, fans have no idea whether or not Simmons will ever be back, and it is pretty concerning, to say the least.

Ben SImmons

Maddie Meyer/Getty Images

According to Adrian Wojnarowski of ESPN, Simmons has a herniated disc in his back and it requires surgery. In fact, the recovery timetable for such a surgery is actually quite long. He will now have to be out for three to four weeks, however, the good news is that the Nets believe Simmons will be able to come back just in time for training camp.

This is, indeed, another setback for the Nets star, however, it is good news in the sense that Simmons will now finally get the relief he needs in order to set on the right track again.

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