Bankroll Freddie Responds To Backlash After Saying He’s Never Drunk Water In 27 Years

The human body is made up of approximately 70% water, but Arkansas-based rapper Bankroll Freddie only realized the importance of drinking water about a week ago, facing backlash for telling his followers that he’s gone twenty-seven years without drinking water consistently.

Health experts generally recommend we drink around eight glasses of water per day at an absolute minimum, but Bankroll Freddie has been surviving off of Gatorade, soda, and juice for his entire life so far. After telling his fans that he used to “hate” water and didn’t drink it until this year, the Quality Control-signed rapper faced backlash, which prompted him to explain his comments.

“Can’t Believe It Took Me 27 Years To Start Drinking Water,” said Freddie on Instagram Stories. “I Use To Hate Water Fr I Couldn’t Drink It For Nun In This World… It Actually Make Me Feel Better Fr.”

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

When his post started going viral, he explained, “Bruh I Ain’t Never Drunk No Water Like That I Hate It All I Drink Is Gatorades Juices & Pops I Just Ain’t Like Water Shit Ain’t Got No Taste. But I Eat All My Fruits & Vegetables Soo I’m Good.”

He went on to share a video, asking how his skin is so clear if he’s never drank water, also admitting that he’s never had a sexually-transmitted disease after some women laughed and said Freddie (and other non-water drinking men) are the reason their PH levels are off.

What do you think about Bankroll Freddie not drinking water?

Screenshot via @saycheesetv on Instagram