Atlanta Falcons First NFL Team To Reach 100% Vaccination: Report

The Atlanta Falcons are the first team in the NFL to reach 100% vaccination rate for its players. The news was announced Monday night by the NFL, who applauded the Falcons for listening to basic science and doing whats best for everyone.

“Each player will now enjoy the benefits of being able to work out and eat together,” the Falcons said in the news release. “They won’t have to test daily, won’t have to wear masks around the facility and won’t have to quarantine following a close contact with someone who tests positive.”

The news comes after the league released a memo in July warning all 32 clubs that COVID-19 outbreaks can cause games to be canceled, adding that teams responsible for the cancellations will have forfeit contests and lose weekly checks.

NFL Network’s Judy Bautista reported on Aug. 11 that 91.7% of the league’s players were fully vaccinated, well above the 59.4% vaccination rate among eligible Americans (12 years of age and older) reported by the CDC as of Monday.

The Falcons join the Ole Miss football team in reaching 100% vaccination rate after head coach Lane Kiffin announced last week that every player and staff member had been vaccinated. Lets hope more teams follow suit here moving forward.

Good work Falcons players.

Kevin C. Cox/ Getty Images
