Astroworld Festival Promotional Video Seemingly Encourages Chaos At The Event

As Travis Scott and his Astroworld Festival co-founders deal with the tragic downfall of this year’s event, more and more damning evidence against them continues to come forward. Earlier today, TMZ shared a report pointing out that the promotional video for the 2021 show seems to hype up the crazy antics and ruthless behaviour from fans that AstroFest has become known for.

In May of this year, the event’s official Instagram account shared a clip that begins with newscasters sharing reports that the festival is “in full swing but with extra security” while thousands of fans cram against barricades, waiting to enter. Other footage shows people breaking in, opening intense mosh pits, head banging, and in general, raging in the way that Scott has always encouraged his fans to.

The video was first posted to Scott’s Twitter page after Astroworld Festival went down back in 2019, and was once again used to promote this year’s show. While the rapper has been scrubbing his social media accounts of other potentially incriminating evidence, this clip has stayed up, and has earned some replies from hurt fans.

As TMZ notes, some may see the festival trailer as an “enter if you dare” sort of thing – the rage is clearly shown in the clip, and was even posted after Scott was “cited by authorities for inciting a riot” two years ago. From the looks of things, promoters were hoping that attendees would bring a similar energy this time around.

Unfortunately, the lives of eight people were lost, and scores of others were injured due to a crowd surge that took place. Overcrowding, heat exhaustion, inadequate safety protocols, and rumours of drug injection are just a few of the factors at play here, turning what was supposed to be an exciting weekend into what some have described as a “literal hell.”

For more information on the ongoing investigation, check out our story on the lawsuits that Scott and others involved are currently facing.
