Arizona Rep. Debbie Lesko Says She Would Shoot Her Grandkids To Protect Them

There have always been hot takes and strange moments coming out of the political arena, and this week, the light is being shone on U.S. Rep. Debbie Lesko. The Republican has been representing Arizona’s 8th congressional district for four years, and like many of her political peers, Lesko has been weighing in heavily regarding the debate over updated gun control laws. 

These recent mass shootings—Buffalo, Uvalde, Highland Park, and dozens of others within the last few months—have caused the uproar over gun control to ignite new fiery conversations. Yesterday (July 5), Lesko took to the House floor to argue against a gun safety bill and her speech took viewers by surprise.

Debbie LEsko
Pool / Getty Images 

“I have five grandchildren,” she said. “I would do anything—anything—to protect my five grandchildren. Including, as a last resort, shooting them, if I had to, to protect the lives of my grandchildren.” She then continued her impassioned display by stating that Democrats were trying to “take away my right to protect my grandchildren” and “the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect their own children.”

This was a moment poised for a viral takeover and it was scooped up by the masses. People have been firing off responses since this clip surfaced and in turn, Lesko seemingly defended her statements on Twitter.

“It never ceases to amaze me the lengths gun control zealots will go!” she said. “They turned my speech about protecting Second Amendment rights and my right to protect my grandchildren from violent criminals into a claim I would harm my own grandchildren. Absolutely ridiculous!”

Check it out below.