Antonio Brown’s Ravens Hopes Come To A Screeching Halt

When Antonio Brown left the Tampa Bay Buccaneers just about a month ago, it seemed as though there was no way in hell that Brown would be able to get back into the NFL. As it turns out, there are still teams looking at him right now, as they know that he is one of those players who can provide some offense to teams who might struggle with their wide receiver core.

One of the teams that Brown has been interested in is none other than the Baltimore Ravens. Lamar Jackson is interested in this pairing, although it is ultimately up to the Ravens organization, which has largely avoided controversy over the past couple of decades.

Antonio Brown

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In fact, the Ravens are so aware of the Brown rumors that they are now speaking out about them. While speaking to the media, Ravens general manager Eric DeCosta politely said thanks but no thanks to Brown, claiming that the team is more than happy with their current receiving core. If you’re Brown, that has got to sting, especially when you consider how the Ravens have struggled in terms of receiving over these past couple of years.

At the end of the day, Brown is a controversial figure, and not every single GM is going to want to sign him. It’s a harsh reality, but it is one he will have to continue to grapple with.