Andre Iguodala Speaks On Max Kellerman’s Infamous Hot Take

A few years ago, Max Kellerman became an internet meme when he went on First Take and claimed that he would rather have Andre Iguodala take the last shot of a game as opposed to Steph Curry. While Curry is far and away the better shooter, his clutch time track record wasn’t all that great at the time, which is what led to Kellerman’s hot take. Over the years, Curry has been able to rectify this track record, ultimately making Kellerman’s infamous clip obsolete.

Now, Iguodala is back on the Warriors and during a recent interview with The Breakfast Club, he got to give his opinion on what Kellerman said about him. As you can see in the clip below, Iguodala feels as though ESPN is just trying to get ratings, which is exactly what Kellerman did.

Andre Iguodala

Sarah Stier/Getty Images

“You gotta understand how different shows work, entertainment works, like ESPN,” Iguodala said. “Disney has a large TV deal with the NBA, and they do our games. So there’s a lot of coverage around basketball because they want to draw in viewers. They want to draw attention. So you’re going to get somebody saying something crazy. There’s a discussion behind it and now lives on forever. You got a bunch of white kids that repeat ‘I want Iguodala!’ all the time. That’s just a cool thing about it. But when you break down real basketball. Nah, I wouldn’t do that.”

In Iguodala’s case, it was a positive hot take, so you really can’t get all that mad at it. After winning three titles in Oakland, Iguodala’s legacy is cemented and we’re sure he’s eager to be back with the team this season.