Alex Caruso Evaluated After Terrifying Blow To The Head

Alex Caruso is one of the most beloved players in the league, as long as you are a Los Angeles Lakers fan. Outside of LA, some fans roll their eyes at the mere mention of Caruso, although you can’t help but love his style of play. His headband, confidence, and quickness make him one of those players you just have to root for, and in many ways, he has become a cult legend within the league.

Last night, Caruso and the Lakers were taking on the Indiana Pacers, where the purple and gold came through with a comeback win. Unfortunately, Caruso was injured in the game after a scary incident in which he slipped on the court and hit his head in a moment of whiplash. It was a fairly gnarly scene and Caruso immediately left the game.

Following the match, the Lakers confirmed that Caruso would be evaluated for a concussion and that they were taking the situation quite seriously. You never want to see a guy go down like this and hopefully, he will be able to bounce back sooner rather than later. 

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Alex Caruso

Alex Goodlett/Getty Images