AE Begs For Amber Rose’s Forgiveness In Emotional Apology

Music executive Alexander Edwards is on a mission to win his lady back this holiday season. After nearly three years of dating, the couple had called it quits after Amber Rose discovered AE was cheating. The music exec. must’ve been caught red-handed because he didn’t even bother to come up with an excuse. He owned up to his actions. 

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The former couple share a child together, which naturally made their public break-up a bit more complicated. However, it appears that AE wants nothing more than to reunite with his family. Last night, the music exec. issued a statement on his Instagram page where he apologized for his actions before pleading for Amber’s forgiveness.

“I want to sincerely apologize to my beautiful wife @amberrose you didn’t deserve what I did to you. You’re an amazing person and a wonderful mother to our boys,” he wrote before acknowledging the pain he caused their family including his stepson, Sebastian. “I’m sorry for the pain that I’ve caused you, my son Slash and my stepson Sebastian. All I want is my family back and I’m willing to do anything to make things right. Please forgive me.” 

Amber Rose has yet to issue a public response to AE’s plea but we’ll keep you posted if she does. Check out AE’s post below and let us know your thoughts in the comment section.