Adele Won’t Be Touring After Release Of “30” Over COVID Concerns

Next week, the world will see the musical return of Adele as the acclaimed singer will release her album, 30. The personal and intimate project has been a labor of love for the British superstar, and the album’s first single, “Easy On Me,” quickly broke streaming records. When 30 was first announced, the singer’s fans were excitedly looking forward to her next tour, but Adele burst their bubbles by sharing that she doesn’t plan on hitting the road for this record.

“If it wasn’t coming out now, I think I probably would never put it out,” she told Rolling Stone. “I know I would’ve changed my mind and been like, ‘It’s moved on. Let’s start the next album.’ And I couldn’t do that to this album. I feel like it deserves to come out.”

However, while we may no longer be under quarantine, the world remains in a pandemic and Adele is not taking any chances. “It’s too unpredictable, with all the rules and stuff,” she said. “I don’t want anyone coming to my show scared. And I don’t want to get COVID, either.”

“No one wants to remember this period of time,” she added. “Obviously, it’s way better than last year, but the day my album comes out, someone’s loved one will have died from COVID. For them, it’s going to be a reminder every time they hear ‘Easy on Me’ on the radio.” Adele does have two huge events in London planned for next year, but sadly, she won’t set off for a worldwide tour anytime soon.
