Actor Micah Beals Arrested for Vandalizing George Floyd Statue

Actor and skater Micah Beals was arrested, Monday, in New York City for allegedly throwing paint on a George Floyd statue in Manhattan’s Union Square Park. Police say the incident occurred on October 3.

The incident was captured in a video released by the NYPD shortly after the statue was vandalized.

“The individual threw gray paint on the face and base of the statue and then fled the location while still riding on the skateboard,” the NYPD said in a report on the incident.

Micah Beals, George Floyd
Spencer Platt / Getty Images

The 37-year-old actor was also arrested during the Jan. 6 insurrection for a curfew violation. Beals appeared in Parks and Recreation and CSI: NY during his career. 

Confront Art and We Are Floyd released a statement after the vandalism: “It takes a lot of courage to display the 3 statues we are exhibiting in Union Square. It also takes a good deal of courage to vandalize a statue on a global stage in broad daylight. This continues to bring light to our mission that art is a conversation catylist, a place for public discourse, and through these acts we can hopefully overcome hate and find unity for the future. We continue to be inspired to create and display public art to further this important mission.”
