Aaron Gordon Requests Trade Out Of Orlando, Asking Price Unveiled

Aaron Gordon has been a solid player for the Orlando Magic over the last few years although, over these past few months, it has become almost a certainty that he would be going somewhere else in the not-so-distant future. The Magic haven’t been able to maintain any real success over the last decade, and for players like Gordon, going to a contender is always a better draw.

According to Sam Amick and Jared Weiss from The Athletic, Gordon has asked the team for a trade. The Magic have been expecting this for a while now and have told prospective teams that they would want multiple first-round picks or some good players in return.

Aaron Gordon

Julio Aguilar/Getty Images

There is a multitude of teams who have already reached out when it comes to Gordon, including the Boston Celtics, Houston Rockets, Minnesota Timberwolves, Denver Nuggets, and Portland Trail Blazers. Back in August, the Golden State Warriors were reportedly contemplating a trade for Gordon but as it stands, they are not in the running for the star, at least for the time being.

The NBA trade deadline is set to take place on Thursday, March 25th and it seems like there are a ton of trades that could be made. This is a huge time of year for NBA fans, and their favorite teams will most certainly be looking to improve. Keep it locked to HNHH, as we will be sure to bring you all of the latest updates.

Aaron Gordon

Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images
