Vic Mensa Joins Englewood Barbie in Sleeping in Chicago Streets to Raise Money for City’s Homeless Population

Vic Mensa Hosted 12-Hour Sleep Out to Raise Money for the Homeless in Chicago

Vic Mensa joined Chicago activist and his good friend, Engelwood Barbie, in the streets of Chicago to spend a night raising awareness about homelessness.

TMZ notes Mensa spent the night in the streets on a night where it was 37 degrees, highlighting what homeless people go through every night. Barbie has been doing so for weeks. The two are teaming together to raise $1 million in an effort to open a shelter for the local homeless population. They currently have pulled together $126,000.

Englewood Barbie’s cause has attracted support from Dwyane Wade and Yandy Smith. Actor Jason Weaver also hit Instagram and shared a message about the cause.

You can see Mensa’s recap below.

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