Gilbert Arenas Gets Honest About Previous Generations Of The NBA

Gilbert Arenas is someone who is brutally honest whenever he speaks. Even if you disagree with his opinions, it is clear that he has a lot of passion for the game of basketball. Overall, he does not care who he may offend whenever he speaks. Moreover, he has been able to build a large platform with his podcast. On this shoe, Arenas is able to give as many hot takes as possible in an unregulated fashion. This is certainly a style that fits his personality, and it has led to some great banter over the years.

As it pertains to basketball discourse, much has been made about the previous generations and how they compare to today. Every single day it feels like some old head is calling the new generation of NBA stars “soft.” Furthermore, players like LeBron get called out for “not being able to survive in the 80s.” Of course, these are ridiculous notions as we never got to see LeBron in the 80s. At the end of the day, this discourse is simply not productive, and Arenas is a bit sick of it.

Gilbert Arenas Pulls No Punches

In a recent episode of his No Chill podcast, Arenas set the record straight about the difference between the eras. In his eyes, the 80s cannot hold a candle to the basketball that was played in the 90s and eventually the 2000s. Moreover, he would even extend that to today as he finds that the current game is amazing. He even took a swipe at Bill Laimbeer, noting that he would never be able to defend the young guys playing now. “80s cannot compete with 90s, 2000s, and now. It is a pointless argument. Bill Laimbeer cannot play basketball today, his defense does not work today,” Arenas professed.

This is one of those hot takes that will rub oldheads the wrong way. After all, the generation wars have been heating up quite a bit. This is especially true now that LeBron has the record for most points in the history of the NBA. Let us know if you think Arenas is correct, in the comments below. Additionally, stay tuned to HNHH for more news and updates from around the sneaker world.
