Rep. Dan Crenshaw Temporarily Blind & Going “Off The Grid” Following Eye Surgery

Republican Rep. Dan Crenshaw says that he is going “off the grid” for the next few weeks as he is “effectively blind” following emergency surgery on his left eye, Friday. Crenshaw lost his right eye while serving in the United States Navy during the War in Afghanistan.

“I am sorry to inform everyone that I will be pretty much off the grid for the next few weeks,” the Texas congressman wrote in a statement published on his social media pages.

Dan Crenshaw, Eye
Chip Somodevilla / Getty Images

Crenshaw explained that he recently began experiencing “dark, blurry spots” in his eye and was diagnosed with a detaching retina.

He added that doctors placed a “gas bubble in my eye, which acts as a bandage for my retina.” Due to this, he will have to “face-down for the next week or so, unable to see anything.”

“This is a terrifying prognosis for someone with one eye, and the nature of the injuries that I sustained in Afghanistan. Anyone who knows the history of my injuries knows that I don’t have a ‘good eye,’ but half a good eye,” he continued in his statement.

Despite the diagnosis, he appears to be in good spirits: “I have gotten through worse before, and I will get through this.”
