Big Pun’s Sister Claims Rapper’s Wife Had An Affair With His Brother

Big Pun’s sister, Nicky Rodriguez AKA Sista Pun, is making some allegations about the rapper’s wife Liza Rios. According to Nicki, Liza called her in 1998, allegedly admitting that she had an affair with another man. She made the claims during an interview with Hot Shot Radio.

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“Even though Pun was my brother, [Liza] confided in me. She called me when I was in Daytona Beach and she was crying. I’m like, ‘Liza, what’s wrong?’ And my brother was behind her saying, ‘tell her’. And she said, ‘Nicky, I had an affair on Chris,'” recalled the legendary rapper’s sister. “She told me and I said, “oh my god, Liza, are you sure? Are you joking?” 

Liza allegedly revealed to Nicky that she had slept with a man on her mom’s block in The Bronx. She says that Big Pun found out the man’s identity later on, which Nicky was fearful about because she didn’t want the rapper to get violent. She also says that, in a separate conversation, Liza allegedly admitted that she had another affair with the rapper’s own brother from his father’s side. 

“He was aware of the infidelity, that was the first one,” said Sista Pun. “The son of the grocery store across the street in Bronx River. It was him. He was Big Pun [at the time]. This was about 1998. Later on, before my brother’s passing– let me backtrack. My brother has a brother from his father’s side named Vincent. My brother just did not have a good feeling about him. Vincent would always come around and my brother would be like, ‘I don’t want that n***a here. I’m not vibing him. I’m not feeling him.’ It turns out, trust your gut. It turns out that Liza was having an affair with my brother’s brother Vincent for about a year and a half before my brother’s death.”

It’s unclear why this information is just coming out now. Watch the videos above.