Post Malone Calls Out Hole He Fell In On Stage: “F U Hole”

Post Malone called out the hole that he recently fell in on stage while performing at a recent concert, giving it the middle finger in a post on Instagram. Malone ended up suffering bruised ribs from the incident.

“F U Hole,” Malone captioned the picture on Instagram, adding a middle finger emoji.

The fall occurred on Saturday night while he was performing his hit song, “Circles.” He appeared to be in a great deal of pain and was escorted back stage. After a short break, he returned to play a handful of more tracks before ending the show.

Post Malone
Eugene Gologursky / Getty Images

He later explained what went wrong during a video on social media and apologized to his fans.

“Whenever we do the acoustic part of the show, the guitars are on the guitar stand… and there’s this big-ass hole, so I go around there and I turn the corner and bust my ass,” Malone said. “[It] winded me pretty good. Got me pretty good. We just got back from the hospital and everything’s good. Everything’s good. They gave me some pain meds and everything so we can keep kicking ass on the tour.”

Malone’s manager, Dre London, also confirmed that he had only suffered bruised ribs.

Check out Malone’s recent post below.
