For a big chunk of 2022, Kanye West has apparently been on the warpath, putting up a new Instagram post seemingly every hour lashing out at everyone from Pete Davidson to Adidas’ upper management. Longtime observers know this is nothing new; the only thing that’s changed is the format. Two years ago, it was Twitter that got the bulk of Kanye’s fury, but in a recent post on Instagram, he’s now denying one of his most viral tweets ever.
In 2020, Kanye was running for president — sorta — and after actress Jennifer Anniston pled with followers not to vote for him as a joke, he apparently retaliated with the one-liner to end all one-liners. “It’s not funny to vote for Kanye,” Anniston wrote in an Instagram caption. “Friends wasn’t funny either,” Kanye shot back.
On Monday, though, in the midst of a tirade against Adidas Senior VP Daniel Cherry, Kanye took a break from needling his self-appointed rival for Adidas’ soon-to-be-vacated CEO spot to clear the air about a fake viral post of his which accused Kim Kardashian of “having diarrhea a lot.” “This was not from me,” he insisted. “Someone copied my style of text and wrote something not funny.” Which I’m sure came as a relief to the Kardashian crew, what with all the other inane, childish accusations he’s made over the past few years.
But since he was already on a roll, he further admitted that he didn’t actually write the “Friends wasn’t funny” tweet — but he wishes he had.
This time, the post caught the eye of another Friends member, Courteney Cox, who posted her own slick response on Instagram. In the caption, she wrote, “I bet the old Kayne thought Friends was funny,” while in the video, she looks devastated by the new Kanye’s opinion on the fan-favorite ’90s artifact. You can check it out below.