Joseph Sikora Has Words For Gianni Paolo: “Chill Out Brayden”

Just when 50 Cent told his Power actors to chill out, Joseph Sikora kicks things up a notch with a simple social media post. The drama has shifted from their prospective Power series to the internet after Gianni Paolo called out Joseph Sikora for dissing him. Paolo attempted to say hello to his peer and instead, Sikora turned his back on him. 

The moment was captured on video and made its way through the internet, and soon, Paolo was penning lengthy posts about how Sikora told him to his face that he “doesn’t f*ck with” him.

Of course, 50 Cent capitalized on the moment by dropping a few jokes about their characters working things out with a good ol’ fashioned fight, but later, the media mogul returned to tell everyone to “relax” because there was work to be done.

Meanwhile, the controversy has caused eyes to migrate toward Power and all of its spin-off shows, and it looks as if Sikora isn’t quite finished egging on the drama. On Instagram, he uploaded a post of himself snarling and in the captionhe put more pressure on Paolo.

“Every think about the reason you have a job???” wrote Sikora. “Chill Out Brayden.”

Counting down until Paolo’s next move. Check it out below.