Supreme Court Officially Overturns Roe V. Wade

Abortion rights have been a contentious issue in the United States as of late. Back in 1973, the Supreme Court delivered a landmark ruling in the Roe V. Wade case, which essentially granted federal abortion rights to all women in the United States. Since then, Roe V. Wade has become one of the most widely debated laws in the United States as pro-life advocates have threatened Planned Parenthoods and have tried to stop women from getting abortions at every turn.

Ever since the Supreme Court became a six to three swing in favor of more conservative judges, Roe V. Wade has found itself back on the table, and today, the Supreme Court officially overturned the law. As expected, the vote was 6-3 in favor of overturning the law, which means states can now do as they please when it comes to abortion. 

Roe V Wade

Nathan Howard/Getty Images

As it stands there are 13 states who are ready to make abortion illegal today. There are also nine other states who could severely restrict access to abortion thanks to the repealing of Roe. Many states are expected to keep their abortion laws as is, however, for women in states like Texas and Louisiana, this latest Supreme Court decision is an absolute nightmare.

Following the ruling, Justice Samuel Alito wrote “We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled. The Constitution makes no reference to abortion, and no such right is implicitly protected by any Constitutional provision … It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives.”

Roe V. Wade

Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Protests regarding the ruling are currently being held in Washington, D.C. and we’re sure even more protests will take place as the weekend goes on.
