Woman Recalls Unknowingly Becoming A Getaway Driver During The Killing Of Nipsey Hussle

Bryannita Nicholson testified in court on Monday that she unknowingly acted as a getaway driver for Nipsey Hussle’s accused killer, Eric Holder on March 31, 2019. She explained that she had been in a casual relationship with Holder for five weeks, when he asked her to take him off to the shopping center where Hussle’s clothing store, The Marathon, is located.

Nicholson explained that she was excited when she recognized Hussle and wanted a picture. She says Holder got out of the car at the sight of Hussle, while she continued to look for parking. Once she caught up with Holder, she remembers hearing accusations of snitching.

“Eric was asking Nipsey, ‘Did you tell somebody I snitched?’” she testified.

nipsey hussle
Jerritt Clark / Getty Images

“I was just excited, I was just happy, I just wanted to show my Facebook friends,” she added.

The two got back in the car, at which point Nicholson says Holder pulled out a pistol.

“I was like, ‘What are you doing?’ You put that away, you ain’t going to shoot nothing outside my car,’” Nicholson recalled. “He did put it away.”

Holder then allegedly asked her to pull into an alley so that he could eat, but when the car stopped, he said that he would be right back. Soon after, she heard gunshots and Holder got back in the car.

“I was like, ‘What happened?’” Nicholson testified. “He said, ‘You talk too much I ought to slap you.’ And he was just like, ‘Drive! Drive!'”

Holder faces one count of murder, two counts of attempted murder, and one count of possession of a firearm by a felon. If convicted, Holder could be looking at life in prison.
