Stormzy Receives Honorary Degree At University Of Exeter

Stormzy’s already reached astronomical heights as a musician. From delivering freestyles and emerging triumphant in clashes, he became an internationally-recognized pop star who has used his platform to give back to his community. He’s launched scholarship funds in the past, created a publishing house to amplify marginalized voices, and frequently uplifts budding talent across the UK.

Ben Gabbe/Getty Images

His efforts over the years have now earned him an honorary degree from the University of Exeter. This morning, The University Of Exeter awarded an honorary degree to Stormzy for “his outstanding achievements in the field of higher education, philanthropy, and widening participation.” 

Stormzy also delivered a speech to the graduating class where he reflected on his own educational journey. Stormzy had enrolled in Cambridge University prior to his rap career popping off but he was expelled over a prank. During his speech, he reflected at his attempts to get through post-secondary while commending the graduating class for their dedication.

“The journey I took to get to this moment has been considerably different to yours,” he said. You guys have the guts and the grit and the dedication that it takes to study for years and to finish your degree, whereas I got my AS results in my first year of college and said, ‘Yeah, see you later.’ I didn’t have the same minerals that you guys have. A year later, I took another swing at my A-levels at a different college—until I sat down for my English exam in January and walked out after 10 minutes.”

Check the speech out around the 1:10:00 mark.