Skip Bayless Calls Out LeBron James For Ducking The Sixers

Skip Bayless and LeBron James are like arch-enemies, where only one side is actually engaged in the battle. LeBron occupies a ton of real estate in Skip’s mind, and it has led to some pretty hilarious moments and rants over the years. For instance, Skip is always ragging on LeBron, regardless of whether or not he is dropping 50 points or simply taking a night off due to an injury.

Last night, LeBron did not play against the Philadelphia 76ers due to a knee injury, and in Skip’s mind, LeBron was faking. Today on Undisputed, Skip tried to make the claim that LeBron was simply too scared to go up against the Sixers and that his absence was due to load management and not an actual injury.

Skip Bayless

Michael Loccisano/Getty Images for IAVA

“We can now retire this excuse LeBron is using, I now call total BS about his ‘sore knee.’ LeBron was load managing, he rested last night!” Bayless said. “‘My knee was too sore right before tipoff.’ Baloney, LeBron! Just stop it. I’ve got no problem with resting unless you try to couch it with an excuse.”

Of course, Skip has no idea what LeBron is really going through right now, but that is the performance art of what Bayless does. He exists to make you mad, and today, that is exactly the feeling he gave LeBron fans everywhere. Appreciate this greatness while it is still here.