Kyle Rittenhouse Hopes To Sue Whoopi Goldberg & Other Celebs, Politicians & Athletes For Their “Lies”

Kyle Rittenhouse is defending his name. On Monday, February 21st, he told FOX News that he has plans to sue news organizations and famous faces who have been spreading “lies” about him.

“Me and my team have decided to launch The Media Accountability Project as a tool to help fundraise and hold the media accountable for the lies they said and deal with them in court,” the 19-year-old told the publication earlier this week. 

Jason Davis/Getty Images

He went on to tell Tucker Carlson, “I don’t want to see anybody else have to deal with what I went through,” adding that “quite a few politicians, celebrities, [and] athletes,” including Whoopi Goldberg have made their way onto his list of enemies.

According to Rittenhouse, Goldberg called him a “murderer” despite the fact that he was acquitted of all charges in the August 25th, 2020 shootings that killed two men and left another injured. “She called me a ‘murderer’ after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. She went on to still say that,” the teenager vented.

“And there’s others, don’t forget about Cenk [Uygur] from The Young Turks. He called me a murderer before verdict and continues to call me a murderer,” he added. “We’re going to hold everybody who lied about me accountable, such as everybody who lied and called me a white supremacist.”

As the New York Post reports, attorney and The Young Turks host Adrienne Lawrence tweeted, “Did someone call Rittenhouse a ‘convicted murderer’? Because, to my knowledge, you can be a murderer factually, even if you’re legally acquitted. An acquittal doesn’t really change that one murdered another.”

In case you missed it, last month, Rittenhouse’s lawyers filed a motion requesting ownership of the gun he used in the Kenosha, Wisconsin shooting – read more about that here.
