Plies Goes After The NBA & NFL For Using Black People As Entertainment

Over the past month or so, there has been a lot of discourse surrounding the NFL and its hiring practices for black coaches. After Brian Flores decided to sue the Denver Broncos, New York Giants, and Miami Dolphins, a real conversation about the “Rooney Rule” was had, and even now, it doesn’t seem like any real resolution will be made anytime soon.

On the weekend, Plies spoke about this startling trend in the NFL, although he also brought the NBA into the mix. As you will see in the tweet below, Plies believes that the NBA and the NFL purely see black people as entertainment and that they will never take them seriously for positions of power. Even though the NBA has a better track record than the NFL, Plies still believes it isn’t enough.


Rick Diamond/Getty Images

“The @NFL & @NBA Keep Speaking To Us But We Just Won’t Listen! They ONLY See Us As Entertainment!!!” Plies wrote. “B4 U Say The @NBA Is Different, They Still Only Have 1 Black Owner (12/13 Black HC Out Of 30 Teams(Still Not 50%). It’s Better Than The NFL But It’s Still Nothing To Brag About!”

This is certainly one of those polarizing topics that come up in the sports world every so often. Whether or not either league will eventually come to a real solution, remains to be seen.