Former NBA Player Gerald Green Accused Of Abuse By Baby Mother

Since he was drafted out of high school in 2005, Gerald Green had been a mainstay in the NBA. As a journeyman athlete and evolved shooter later in his career, Green played for eight different NBA teams, and the Houston Rockets and Boston Celtics twice.

Currently, Gerald works in the player development department for the Rockets in his hometown Houston, and would seemingly live with his kids and the mother of his children Deja. But on Sunday (Feb. 20), Deja posted a series of paragraphs on her Instagram story that accused Gerald Green of being an absent father and abuser: “I’m sick and tired of the abuse. I’ve been accused, emotionally abused for the longest. Today it stops. He begged and pleaded for my son to call him dad. Then looks him in the face yesterday and tells him “hey I’m not your dad don’t call me dad anymore talk to your mom.” Every time he’s mad he kicks us out and takes my belongings. I left him in October for 2 months because I was sick of his crap! I come home to work out for my family and he turns around and does the same crap. The people around him condone it and don’t tell him when he’s wrong. I’m tired of the abuse.”

Cooper Neill/Getty Images

Along with these claims, Deja posted photos of her neck and face area that had bruises and clear cuts from being struck, alleging Gerald was the cause of them. She continued by saying Gerald had taken her belongings from her house Sunday morning and deserted his family: “Today I woke up to all of my belongings gone even my toothbrush. He took my car. Left me and my kids stranded no car seat. A:  based off of accusations he made from me traveling while we were separated. I’m TIRED. Today it ends.”

Deja had hoped to resolve the situation behind closed doors, but this was her last straw: “I’ve explored all of my options to diffuse the issues and this was my last option. I’ve had enough. I’m no longer protecting him, he doesn’t protect me or my kids, he constantly puts us in harm’s way. He (is) a manipulative narcissistic. I’ve tried all I can, but now it’s interfering with my children. Thank you.”

Deja confirmed that most of the belongings Gerald left with with her’s and not purchased by him: “And just so we’re clear MOST of my belongings are things I PAID FOR WITH MY HARD EARNED MONEY only 25% of the crap he’s taken and did who knows what with is what he bought me. I never cross the lines and mess with anybody’s belongings especially ones I didn’t pay for.”

Gerald Green has yet to respond to these allegations, but Deja’s story does not paint a good picture of him as a partner or father whatsoever. Check out Deja’s posts and photos of her bruises below. These photos contain graphic content.