Rockmond Dunbar Sues Disney After Being Written Off “9-1-1” Over Vaccine Mandates

Entertainers have been subjected to strict COVID-19 mandates as production companies and studios move forward with filming. There was a time when Hollywood came to a full stop during quarantine and now that things as back to a new normal, there are rules in place to keep sets from turning into super-spreaders. Rockmond Dunbar, known for his roles on The Game and 9-1-1, is reportedly taking Disney to court as he accuses the company of racial discrimination.

According to PEOPLE, Dunbar asked for a religious exemption pertaining to the vaccine mandate as he did not want to take the COVID vaccine.

Rockmond Dunbar
Allen Berezovsky / Stringer / Getty Images

In documents reportedly filed earlier this week, the actor claimed that when other cast and crew members of 9-1-1 told Disney that they would not be vaccinated, their requests were accommodated. Dunbar noted that “none sought a religious exemption and none were Black.” He further claimed that after he submitted “paperwork seeking both a religious and a medical exemption,” producers made it clear that he would remain on the series, however, his character was written off.

The lawsuit states, “The administrators who work for [the studios] never took Mr. Dunbar’s requests for accommodations seriously… Defendants refused to believe Mr. Dunbar’s doctor’s recommendation, and they refused to engage with Mr. Dunbar in any meaningful interactive communication regarding his religious beliefs.”

Dunbar alleged that he was made to look like an anti-vaxxer, which damaged his reputation. Meanwhile, 20th Television issued a statement that said productions “have implemented a mandatory vaccination confirmation process” to “ensure safe working environments.”

It is unclear what damages Rockmond Dunbar is seeking at this time.
