Freddie Gibbs Is Ready For The NBA

This has been a hellish past couple of weeks for the NBA as multiple players continue to test positive for COVID-19. It is a terrible situation for everyone to be in, and no one is completely sure of what to do. After all, this is a virus that is hard to stop the spread of, even with masks and vaccines readily available for everyone to use. Regardless, the NBA continues to operate, and fans are grateful to still have basketball in their lives.

With cases on the rise, teams have been forced to recruit players to 10-day contracts. Guys like Isaiah Thomas, Lance Stephenson, and “Iso” Joe Johnson have all been given new chances in the league, and it has emboldened other players to pursue their NBA dreams. With that being said, Freddie Gibbs now wants in on the action.

Freddie Gibbs

Mike Windle/Getty Images for Equinox

The rapper has never been one to miss an opportunity to troll, and with the NBA in big trouble, Freddie knew just what to say. Taking to Twitter earlier today, Gibbs revealed that he is COVID-free and that he’s “bout to try out for the NBA.” Of course, he was simply kidding, however, you can’t deny he would at least be considered when you look at just how many roster spots have opened up as a late. At a certain point, NBA 2K e-sports athletes might be making starts for the Nets soon.

Hopefully, a team actually bites and sends Gibbs an invitation to try out, because that is something we definitely want to see before the end of the season.