Tina Knowles Asks If Jussie Smollett Will Receive The Same Compassion As Amy Cooper

Tina Knowles-Lawson recently discussed the recent trial regarding Jussie Smollett who has been found guilty of five felony counts of disorderly conduct for making false police reports after staging a fake hate crime against himself. Knowles-Lawson asked her followers on Instagram whether they believe Smollett will receive the same compassion as Amy Cooper.

Cooper, a white woman, infamously called the police on Christian Cooper, a Black man, in Central Park claiming that he threatened her life. She was later charged with filing a false police report; however, the charges were dropped in February 2021 after she completed an educational course.

Tina Knowles, Jussie Smollett
John Sciulli / Getty Images

Knowles-Lawson posited the question on Instagram, Saturday, sharing an op-ed published in CNN by Issac Bailey: “The article goes on to say both were wrong but Jussie faces possible prison time and Amy Cooper The woman who called the police and lied about the black man that was Bird watching in Central Park was trying to attack her. Leading to the arrest of the man where in the history of black men In Custody could have led to his death!!”

She continued: “Amy Cooper got off with public service. We will see the outcome of this for this Black man. Will he get the same compassion as Amy Cooper? I am not condoning what Mr Smollet was found guilty of. I am just asking will he get the same compassion and understanding of knowingly lying to police. Kyle Rittenhouse walked free after killing two people because the jury had compassion?”

Check out the full post below.