Montana Of 300 Has Serious Case Of COVID After Sharing Anti-Vaxx Posts

Chicago rapper Montana of 300 is fighting for his life in the hospital with a serious case of COVID-19 and pneumonia. This comes just weeks after the 32-year-old shared anti-vaccine messages on social media.

The self-proclaimed “Rap God” shared his diagnosis on social media this week after letting people know that he was suffering from pneumonia a few days prior.

“Im fighting pneumonia and Covid rn,” revealed Montana. “I can’t be a father to my kids, I can’t train my sons in the gym, I can’t attend their games and support them, I can barely walk or talk. Im fighting for my life rn, so y’all bare with me and pray for me.”

This comes after Montana posted anti-vaxx messages on Instagram, saying last month, “A lot of y’all grown mfs got punked into taking that vaccine. Some of y’all sounding just like a lying ass drug dealer in court… ‘I only did it for my family.’ Nawwww yo did it FOR SELF (scared for you)…”

Montana has not updated his fans on how he’s been feeling in the last few days. We will keep you updated on his recovery. Pray for Montana of 300.

If you’re not yet vaccinated, you can find a COVID-19 vaccine near you here.