Yasiel Puig Pays Accuser, Settles Sexual Battery Lawsuit

Former Los Angeles Dodgers star Yasiel Puig settled his sexual battery case earlier today after paying his accuser, per TMZ Sports. The accuser’s attorney, Vince Finaldi, confirmed his plaintiff’s settlement of $250,000.

Jane Roe, the woman involved identified in court documents, previously claimed Puig sexually forced himself onto her, and then into a Staples Center bathroom while attending a Lakers game in 2018. Claiming they had no relationship prior to the encounter, Jane Roe sued the baseball star in 2020 and asked for upwards of $50,000.

When the allegations were made, Puig, who has been out of professional baseball since being let go by the Cleveland Indians after the 2019 season, immediately denied any sexual misconduct and released the following statement.  

Via TMZ Sports:

“The fact is that I had consensual sex with a woman I met at a Lakers game after she propositioned me. Afterward, we talked about going out together, but she said she did not want her fiancé to find out. We messaged each other afterward and planned to get together again, but we never did. She’s now suing me based on completely made-up allegations.”

Hannah Foslien/Getty Images

After going back and forth in court for the last year, it was determined this week that both sides eventually settled when Puig paid a previously undisclosed amount, now confirmed by attorney Vince Finaldi this morning. Finaldi has yet to provide any further comment but that the case “has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties.”
