Floyd Mayweather Supports Kyrie Irving’s Anti-Vaxx Stance: “I Choose Liberty”

There have been lines drawn in the sand as it pertains to Kyrie Irving’s ongoing controversy, and Floyd Mayweather has chosen his side. The Brooklyn Nets star has been stealing attention as he remains unvaccinated with no plans on getting the COVID-19 vaccine anytime soon. His participation in the league has been hit with obstacles as mandates are strictly enforced, causing his supporters to rally around him while detractors take to social media to drag his name. 

Earlier today (October 25), Floyd Mayweather uploaded a video where he spoke directly to Irving about his current state of affairs, and in his caption, the champion boxer penned a lengthy message where he spoke about the freedom of choice.

Kyrie Irving
Maddie Malhotra / Stringer / Getty Images

“Choice is defined as an act of selecting or making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. To my understanding, America gave us the choice to take the vaccine or not take the vaccine originally,” wrote Mayweather. “As time moves on, that choice is gradually being stripped from us. Limiting the jobs we can do, places we can go, and activities we can perform. Trying to beat us into submission of what they say is best for us.”

“It’s sad people are hated, punished, teased, and discriminated for not taking the vaccine, for making their own choice, standing up for what they not only think is right, but know is right for them and their families. I am Pro Choice. A person should be free to make the decision best suited for themself. If we can’t make our own decisions we are not truly free.”

Floyd Mayweather
Ethan Miller / Staff / Getty Images

In his video, Mayweather commended Irving for being a man of “integrity” and he stated that he respected the basketball star for standing on his principles. Watch the clip and read through Mayweather’s caption below.