Bow Wow Responds To Court Ruling That He’s The Father Of Another Child

Bow Wow says that it’s “such a blessing” that the court has ruled him the father of one-year-old Stone Moss. Moss is Bow Wow’s second child.

“Such a blessing to have him in my life,” he commented on a post by The Neighborhood Talk, adding a heart emoji. The post detailed the court’s ruling.

The legal document reportedly states: “It is the Judgment of this Court that the Child of the parties, STONE KAMIN (‘Child’) born in 2020 is hereby declared to be the legitimate son of Respondent, Shad Moss, capable of inheriting from Respondent in the same manner as if born in lawful wedlock. The Child shall hereafter be known as STONE MOSS and the Department of Vital Statistics shall show the Child’s birth certificate to include Respondent as father.”

Bow Wow, Child
Brad Barket / Getty Images

Bow Wow had previously said that he didn’t want more children during a back and forth with a fan on Twitter, last month.

“Do you want more children?” one user asked.

He responded emphatically, “HELL NO im fine w shai!”

At other times, however, Bow Wow has seemed more accepting of Stone as his son. On the child’s birthday, in June, the rapper referred to him as his “baby boy” in a post on social media.

Shai, his daughter, was born in 2011.
