Jack Harlow Explains Making Women Sign NDAs But Has “No Interest” In Groupies

Like many rappers, Jack Harlow is making sure that his sneaky links are kept private. In a world where connecting with rappers for clout is an everyday occurrence, many artists have long used non-disclosure agreements, or NDAs, to contractually obligate people who enter their circles to keep quiet. Jack Harlow’s star has been rising in recent years and with the visibility comes hoards of women who want to spend some alone time with the Kentucky rapper.

Harlow caught up with GQ and spoke about this newfound attention. He explained that he makes women sign NDAs, even if they’re just hanging out with one another without physical contact.

The publication asked if he was currently single. “I am. I love women and dating is good,” he said. “It’s funny, the bigger you get the more opportunities you have. But, ironically enough, you close up a little as the stakes are higher. So a girl I would have invited back to my hotel three years ago, I wouldn’t do it now. There’s also a stigma around it.”

He admitted that when he was younger, he thought it was “so cool” when rappers would talk about women only wanting to be with them because they were artists. “Now I have no interest in that.”

“I talked about [NDAs] on my album; it’s my NDA record. And then Billie [Eilish] released one about it more recently, so it’s being talked about more, for sure,” added Harlow. “The lyrics go: ‘First name, last name, date of birth / make a bad bitch sign the paperwork…’ But it’s a real thing.” All of the paperwork signings go down before the link, but some women have reservations and ask to speak with their attorneys.

Jack Harlow
Jason Kempin / Staff / Getty Images

“Sometimes it’s just to hang out. And that’s solely to establish the idea that, ‘Hey, my texts aren’t meant for your friends,'” he said. “Our time together is for us. And I present it, like, ‘Hey, listen, if you don’t want to sign this you don’t have to. This is a unique situation. And if you don’t want to do it that’s totally fine, but this is what needs to happen for us to be able to hang out. I just want us to hang out; I don’t want this to be a thing on the internet.’”
