Jon Jones 911 Arrest Call Surfaces: Fiancée “Bleeding From Her Nose & Mouth”

UFC fighter Jon Jones was arrested on misdemeanor domestic violence charges at the end of last week, as we initially reported.

Jones allegedly pulled his fiancée’s hair and head-butted a police car hours after one of his fights was inducted into the UFC Hall of Fame. She received first aid at the time but refused any further medical assistance. 

Now, new details concerning the incident surrounding Jon Jones’ arrest, as well as the 911 call preceding it, have surfaced, courtesy of TMZ.

In a 911 call shortly before Jones’ arrest, a Caesars Palace security guard reported that Jon Jones’ fiancée, Jessie Moses, was “bleeding from her nose and mouth” and was “scared to return to her hotel room” where she and the UFC heavyweight champ were staying. 

Police confirmed their suspicions of domestic violence when it was found out that Jones’, in the presence of his three daughters — allegedly grabbed the back of his fiancée’s hair to prevent her from leaving their hotel room. Additionally, the Las Vegas Metropolitan PD documented that Moses’ suffered a swollen lower lip and a red mark on her upper right cheek. 

Jones’ fiancée did not allow photos to be taken, nor did Moses agree to a voluntary statement or recording of the interview.

On Friday morning last week, around 6 AM,  Jones was found on the Las Vegas strip and taken into custody. The Las Vegas police report states Jones “became irate and smashed his head onto the front hood” of a police vehicle, causing a sizable dent and paint-chipping, reportedly $5,000 in damages — which led to a charge of felony tampering with a vehicle, on top of a misdemeanor battery domestic violence. 

jon jones ufc

Ethan Miller/Getty Images

According to the police report, during the arrest, Jones stated jokingly that “he would like to take us all on and see what we could do.” After officers communicated to Jones that they would use a taser on him if needed, Jones apologized, the report said. 

Jones was released from jail on Friday evening, after posting $8000 bail. The UFC fighter’s initial court date for the incident is October 26.

Over the course of Jones’ career, he has had several drug problems, and run-ins with law enforcement which include multiple DUI’s, a hit-and-run charge, and multiple failed MMA sanctioned drug tests. 

On Tuesday of this week, following all the headlines, Jones made a post via Instagram of him working out and addressing the latest events of his arrest.

“I have way too much trauma to consume alcohol, my brain simply can’t handle it anymore,” his Instagram post said. “I will leave alcohol in my past forever.”

Jones also suggested it’s time to, “Turn this nightmare into the best thing to ever happen in my life.”

When asked about Jones’ arrest, UFC president Dana White said Jones has, “A lot of demons” and that he would evaluate how the fighter’s case plays out legally.

We’ll keep you posted with any more details concerning the arrest. Listen to the 911 call audio below.
